Haven't seen much posted here about N.I.C.E 2! I've been playing the
demo now for a couple of weeks and....hold on to your throttle bodies...I
I ordinarily stick to the hard stuff (N2, F1RS) but when I need a dose of
quick turning and high speeds, this demo takes the cake.
I can't remember when a sim(?) has given me such a sense of speed (by
the way, it's the perfect contrast to GPL, a game in which I don't get those
"let up off the accelerator" butterflies, except when I know I'm about to do
5 360's!).
The physics seem O.K. and the sounds are better than 90% of the sims out
there. There is just enough body roll and looseness to require opposite
lock on occasion, but not such that it's obnoxious like GPL. The Shelby
Cobra's big fat rear end wants to swing out and you can "feel" it start to
break loose.
Anyway, if you ain't got the demo, go get it. And perhaps the Gran
Tourismo drivers out there who have tried this demo could report on the
similarities (there are BOUND to be a couple).
I'm looking forward to this one!