Voodoo 2 for $99--Worth it?

Alan Nas

Voodoo 2 for $99--Worth it?

by Alan Nas » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I noticed at the local CompUSA that the Diamond Monster 3d Voodoo II 8
meg card is $149 minus a $50 mail in rebate through the store.  I
currently have a Diamond Stealth II S220 (Rendition Verite 2100) 4 meg
card.  Would adding the Voodoo 2 8 meg for $99 be a good investment in
preparation for the upcoming GPL, MGP, and NASCAR 99--as well as flight
sims such as WWII Fighters from EA?  The 12 meg card is still at $249 at
the same store.

Thanks in advance for the advice.
A Nash


Voodoo 2 for $99--Worth it?

by SteveBla » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> I currently have a Diamond Stealth II S220 (Rendition Verite 2100) 4 meg
>card.  Would adding the Voodoo 2 8 meg for $99 be a good investment

Yup. I've run GPL, for instance, on both.  The difference is not subtle, and a
lot more games support the Voodoo cards than the Rendition ones.  Additonally,
using a 3D-only card gives you the option of updating your Stealth II later if
you choose.  Its 2D performance is not so great, IMO.

Steve Blankenship


Voodoo 2 for $99--Worth it?

by Denni » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Not only yes, but Hell Yes.  Went there the other night and couldn't
believe it.  Bought mine July 6th, and paid 219.00, and at that time
the Monster 1 was $99

Voodoo 2 for $99--Worth it?

by LLam5559 » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

GO FOR IT!!!  I did, and I'm not sorry.  It has given a kick in the pants to
practically every game I own.  If you want it though you better hurry, I think
the display said that offer runs out on Oct 3rd.

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