NFS3 only Aussie $49 retail!!


NFS3 only Aussie $49 retail!!

by BlackD » Sun, 27 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I just bought NFS3 at Target here in Australia for
$42 bucks (they had 15% off) but even at $49
retail it's a bargain.

I hope the sales are high for this as it should
mean more people can afford it. If I had to choose
between aother games at the usual $89 then I would
definately want to save the extra $40 and buy a
couple of music CDs or put towards a voodoo 2.

PLUS the game is EXCELLENT for a arcade racer.
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Sean Tud

NFS3 only Aussie $49 retail!!

by Sean Tud » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>I just bought NFS3 at Target here in Australia for
>$42 bucks (they had 15% off) but even at $49
>retail it's a bargain.
>I hope the sales are high for this as it should
>mean more people can afford it. If I had to choose
>between aother games at the usual $89 then I would
>definately want to save the extra $40 and buy a
>couple of music CDs or put towards a voodoo 2.

I paid $37 for mine at Games Wizards in Lidcombe.  They have a 25% off
sale on everything including new releases.

And Hot Pursuit mode is hilarious.  :-)

Sean Tudor
Sydney, Australia
This is my cannon, this is my gun
One is for bandits, and one is for fun
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