Hi, I have a question about wings on carts.
1. If your car is loose entering a corner, do you put more front wing to fix
2. If your car is loose exiting the corner, do you put more rear wing to
correct the problem?
Hi, I have a question about wings on carts.
1. If your car is loose entering a corner, do you put more front wing to fix
2. If your car is loose exiting the corner, do you put more rear wing to
correct the problem?
That's one solution, but I'd probably look toward shocks (soften RR
perhaps) or tire pressures (increase RF or decrease RR)
(This presumes that the car is fine everywhere else, but loose coming
off. If that's the case, the wing adjustment is probably too severe
Though I work at Papyrus, don't take my setup advice as gospel, as I
can't really hang with the fast guys. (So if anyone else offers you
advice on this that makes sense, give it equal or greater weight...
:-) )
---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
If your car is loose (the back end is loosing traction) you will want to
put more rear wing in no matter what part of the track you are on. Two
other suggestion are that you take some fron wing out or change the setting
on the roll bars. If you take wing out of the front your rear end won't
break loose as easily, but it may have an understeer problem. This is all
I can think of.
Rob Adlam
Hamilton, New Zealand.
For both of these problems, and other setup problems, I would try and get a hold of the "Quickfix setup guide for NASCAR". I know your questions concern Indycars, but they have a good series of tips about what to do when your cars is loose/pushing in different parts of the corners, which are easily related to ICR2 settings. I think it's available on the Pits site, but I can't remember the URL.
I would work the shocks....stiffen the right front and/or soften the right rear.
Again, I work the shocks, although before I found this guide, I would only work the wings and roll bars. However, I've found lots more speed since using this guide. In this case, they suggest stiffening the left front, and/or softening the left rear.
Please note, that this guide and my advice assume you are talking about a left turn only oval. You can adjust this for a right turn by switching the sides.
Rick Martel
: Just my personal view, but of course there are many other things
: that can help remedy the problem, and many things that have to be
: taken into consideration.
Exactly. This is not a simple, stiffen RF and/or loosen RR shock.
Do you mean road course or oval? How loose? Are you quicker than AI down
straight (adjusting wings may take this away)? What are the tire temps?
Full tank only? Empty tank only? Entire run? Banked turns? Flat turns?
Is it a setup you made or is it one you downloaded? All kinds of
questions still need to be answered.
Camber may cause this, also tire compound, etc. Just about everything
can cause this.
If you are more specific, then the answer can be more specific.
PS - I would refrain from reading any NASCAR settings tips to adjust an
IndyCar, but that may just be me.