Car & Driver

Steven Sho

Car & Driver

by Steven Sho » Wed, 08 Dec 1993 21:30:00

So, does anyone else out there like the Car & Driver Sim. even with
it's faults???

Personally I love it, driving real cars on real roads, what a concept...

But, then again I loved Stunts, so maybe I'm just weird...

William Cha

Car & Driver

by William Cha » Thu, 09 Dec 1993 20:39:33

>But, then again I loved Stunts, so maybe I'm just weird...

Nope. Same here! Still prefer it to F1GP myself.




Ramin Tar

Car & Driver

by Ramin Tar » Fri, 10 Dec 1993 01:06:28

>So, does anyone else out there like the Car & Driver Sim. even with
>it's faults???

>Personally I love it, driving real cars on real roads, what a concept...

I like C&D too.  It takes a while to get used to but I have spent hours playing
it without even knowing how long I played it.



Car & Driver

by C.Couls » Thu, 09 Dec 1993 19:36:33

>So, does anyone else out there like the Car & Driver Sim. even with
>it's faults???

>Personally I love it, driving real cars on real roads, what a concept...

>But, then again I loved Stunts, so maybe I'm just weird...

I must confess, I couldn't understand why the magazines gave  car
& driver such a high mark.  The frame rate was far too low on  my
486/33  and the polygon landscapes were horendous! it  felt  like
you  were falling off the edge of a table whe tou went  over  the
brow of a hill!
I was real dissappointed with it.  It had a few good points  loke
the  adjustable field of vision and the drag racing (was that  at
all competitive?)
Oh  finally,  did  you try the null modem bit?   It  updated  the
other car about every 4 seconds!
Im an F1GP and IndyCar fan!

Chris Coulson

Wolverhampton University, England.


Car & Driver

by ejohn.. » Sun, 12 Dec 1993 07:48:08

>>But, then again I loved Stunts, so maybe I'm just weird...

>Nope. Same here! Still prefer it to F1GP myself.

I am happy to see a lot of people like Stunts. Its definitely the
best $15 simulator around. I though I was the only one who still
played that...

I have Car and Driver too. I like it a lot, though the frame rate
seems awfully slow on my 386/40.

I hear a lot of people seem to like GP F1 and Indycar. Are these PC
simulators? Is there any other world-class simulators out there for the
PC? How do these stack up against Car and driver, as far as sound,
graphics, spped, and overall realism are concerned?


Car & Driver

by z.. » Fri, 17 Dec 1993 04:21:30

>>>But, then again I loved Stunts, so maybe I'm just weird...

>>Nope. Same here! Still prefer it to F1GP myself.

> I am happy to see a lot of people like Stunts. Its definitely the
> best $15 simulator around. I though I was the only one who still
> played that...

> I have Car and Driver too. I like it a lot, though the frame rate
> seems awfully slow on my 386/40.

  Hey, You've got it good, buddy.  Try C&D (or anything of use, for that
matter) on a 386/16!

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P. J. Remn

Car & Driver

by P. J. Remn » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 11:02:34

I've been playing it since it cost $40!  For the first year, I was playing
it on a slow hard drive 286 with EGA.  We are talking about 10fps with
everything off, and 1fps everything off, with opponent!

Needless to say, I was happy when I got my VGA 486.

I have about 60 tracks, most of which I downloaded.  There is a stunts
directory at maybe /pub/MDSDOS_UPLAODS/games/stunts.
I haven't been there in a long time, that may not be it.

I also play "Stunt Driver", the only saving graces of which are that
it has body roll and it will use an analog joystick like an analog joystick.

Picard & Riker in '96: "Make it so" for the next generation!

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