>I am eagerly waiting for the relaease of GP2 next week here in the U.S.
>and currently considering buying a steering wheel and peddle combo but
>unsure which in the best value for the money. I was cosidering buying
>the T2 system because of its price but have heard numerous reliability
>problems with this system. I had also read from the SRN that the GP500
>system from InterActive in England seemed to be a great performer. Does
>any one currently own this system and if so I would like your oppinion
>about it and also how can I purchase it from the U.S.
>Thanks in advance
Try the Thomas Super Wheel. It cost about $300 but you cant break it,
it feels smooth as silk and has no vague spot in the center. The T-2
is cheaply made and will repeatedly break on you. I'm a computer store
owner and have tried every wheel out there. If you race then get a
Thomas. When I first got my Thomas wheel my lap times on the road
courses improved by 2 seconds a lap!
PS. I have some of the Thomas Super Wheel and pedals sets coming into
my store about July 20th or so, if you are interested E-Mail me or
call my store at 423-573-2991. By the way the wheels are back ordered
and wont ship again until late August or early September. I dont make
hardly any money on thesebut try to help the league racers out.
James Deane, IVGA Bronze and Silver League Racer.