" with 8 ficitonal tracks... that give them more creative feeling. For
example, the Scottish course is veyr narrow and hilly with ample opportunites
for jumps. Naturally it has a high and a low road, with crossovers between the
two for unrestricted, lane hopping mayhem.."
and if that is not bad enough.....
"TOCA2 will recreate then BEn-hur stylee Free-fora-lls allowing you to race in
Formula Fords (whoo hoo!), Jaguar 220's (WTF?, the closet a jag gets to the
toca package is a supercharged XJS safety car) Ford Fiestas (oh that coudl
really rule) and three wheeled scorpions."
I love the idea of having toca package cars, but XJ220's 3 wheeled Scorpions??
and dual route racing tracks?
wtf is this?
Just have to hope more sanity prevails at ECTS.