O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2


O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2

by Zonk » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

From this months' CP Gamer

" with 8 ficitonal tracks... that give them  more creative feeling. For
example, the Scottish course  is veyr narrow and hilly with ample opportunites
for jumps. Naturally it has a high and a low road, with crossovers between the
two for unrestricted, lane hopping mayhem.."

and if that is not bad enough.....

"TOCA2 will recreate then BEn-hur stylee Free-fora-lls allowing you to race in
Formula Fords (whoo hoo!), Jaguar 220's (WTF?, the closet a jag gets to the
toca package is a supercharged XJS safety car) Ford Fiestas (oh that coudl
really rule) and three wheeled scorpions."


I love the idea of having toca package cars, but XJ220's 3 wheeled Scorpions??

and dual route racing tracks?

wtf is this?

Just have to hope more sanity prevails at ECTS.



O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2

by Zonk » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>From this months' CP Gamer

>" with 8 ficitonal tracks... that give them  more creative feeling. For
>example, the Scottish course  is veyr narrow and hilly with ample opportunites
>for jumps. Naturally it has a high and a low road, with crossovers between the
>two for unrestricted, lane hopping mayhem.."

>and if that is not bad enough.....

>"TOCA2 will recreate then BEn-hur stylee Free-fora-lls allowing you to race in
>Formula Fords (whoo hoo!), Jaguar 220's (WTF?, the closet a jag gets to the
>toca package is a supercharged XJS safety car) Ford Fiestas (oh that coudl
>really rule) and three wheeled scorpions."


>I love the idea of having toca package cars, but XJ220's 3 wheeled Scorpions??

>and dual route racing tracks?

>wtf is this?

>Just have to hope more sanity prevails at ECTS.


"pigeon fanciers will be pleased to note that  little colonies of their
avian friends settle by the side of the trackside, and rouge drivers plough
through them sending plumes of bird and bird-pieces in all directions..."


Have stainless and SCI merged with Codemasters?

I can assure you that i have been to all the btcc rounds this year but 3- and
i have yet to see pigeons anywhere- i guess all the noise scare them away,

for christ's sake.


Andy Jone

O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2

by Andy Jone » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

LOL - I could just picture your face as you read and wrote this -
hahahahaha !

Never mind, there'll be another sim to get e***d about along shortly


> From this months' CP Gamer

> " with 8 ficitonal tracks... that give them  more creative feeling. For
> example, the Scottish course  is veyr narrow and hilly with ample opportunites
> for jumps. Naturally it has a high and a low road, with crossovers between the
> two for unrestricted, lane hopping mayhem.."

> and if that is not bad enough.....

> "TOCA2 will recreate then BEn-hur stylee Free-fora-lls allowing you to race in
> Formula Fords (whoo hoo!), Jaguar 220's (WTF?, the closet a jag gets to the
> toca package is a supercharged XJS safety car) Ford Fiestas (oh that coudl
> really rule) and three wheeled scorpions."

> hmmm

> I love the idea of having toca package cars, but XJ220's 3 wheeled Scorpions??

> and dual route racing tracks?

> wtf is this?

> Just have to hope more sanity prevails at ECTS.

> Z.


O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2

by Jami » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

This sounds more like a PC mag talking a bit crap.

Im sure there wont be any pigeons in the final game. Small birds yes
but pigeons no.  You listening Gavin?


Michael Zamaroc

O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2

by Michael Zamaroc » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

> you could access reverse tracks (Toca Showdown) or drive a tank ? No!

I know about the Tank, and the "HELL" track, but what is this "REVERSE"
tracks? How do you get those?
Jonathan Hill

O.k, now i'm really worried about TOCA 2

by Jonathan Hill » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>> you could access reverse tracks (Toca Showdown) or drive a tank ? No!

>I know about the Tank, and the "HELL" track, but what is this "REVERSE"
>tracks? How do you get those?

Its the TOCA Showdown, enter your name as PATSCREEM.

Jonathan Hills, Graphic & Internet Design

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