A new, major International Conference.....
****International Crashworthiness Conference - IJCrash'98****
- - - - - - - 9-11 September 1998 at The Dearborn Inn - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Dearborn, Michigan, USA - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sponsored by the International Journal of Crashworthiness
Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England
Celebrating the first century of mobile structural safety and injury
This century will go down in history as the most productive in terms of
personal and mass mobility.
Advances in structural safety and occupant protection have led to a
tremendous reduction in the severity of injuries to occupants of road and
rail vehicles, air and spacecraft, ships and submarines.
As this century and millennium comes to an end, this conference will
provide engineers, designers and researchers with an opportunity to reflect
on the achievements made to date in crashworthiness or structural safety
and impact biomechanics or occupant response. It will also offer a forum
for "What next?", how can we improve the overall safety of mobile
structures and how can we continue to reduce injuries?
The major emphasis of debate will focus on the ever increasing importance
of computer modelling and its validation, new concepts in restraint
systems, new occupant mechanics hypotheses and realistic accident
Conference Scope :-
The conference will address the following session areas:
Session I Structural Crashworthiness
Session II Impact Biomechanics
Session III Occupant Restraint Systems
Session IV Accident Survey and Reconstruction
Session V Modelling
The scientific program will include keynote lectures, contributed papers
and poster presentations emphasising all aspects of crashworthiness.
Submission of Papers and Posters :-
Potential authors are invited to read the 'Call for Papers' (below) and
submit abstracts for ***and poster presentation on any of the above
topics for inclusion within the conference programme. Acceptance will be
determined by the Conference Scientific Faculty on the grounds of intrinsic
merit and relevance to the main themes of the conference.
Call for Papers :-
To participate in this important international conference, prospective
authors are requested to submit an abstract for consideration by the
Conference Scientific faculty. Abstracts should be sent to the conference
It is important that sufficient information is included within the abstract
to allow it to be fairly assessed by the conference Scientific Faculty.
Authors will be informed of the status of their contribution in
February/March 1998.
Authors should submit a 400-500 word abstract which should be typed/printed
and CONFINED TO ONE PAGE ONLY. Figures, graphs and tables should not be
included at this stage. The format for the title of the abstract, authors'
names and affiliations should be presented as in the following example:
Optimal design of composite fuselage frames for crashworthiness (in bold)
M B Woodson (underlined), E R Johnson and R T Haftka
(NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA) (italic)
It is important that :
the main corresponding author is named first and is underlined, then
followed by all other associated authors. The authors' affiliation
(Institution/Company) is given first followed by the relevant department
and then the remainder of the address should follow as in the example given
Authors should indicate whether ***or poster presentation is preferred.
Publication :-
The Keynote papers will be edited and published after the Conference in
book form. All other conference papers will be published as a special
issue of the International Journal of Crashworthiness and will be given to
all participants at the conference.
Provisional registration form & further information :-
To request further information or a provisional registration form please
International Journal of Crashworthiness :-
The International Journal of Crashworthiness provides an authoritative
forum for the publication of original research and applied work fundamental
for researchers, engineers and designers. The journal covers all matters
relating to crashworthiness for road and rail vehicles, air and spacecraft,
ships and submarines, and on/off-shore installations. Issues addressed
include the quality of response of materials, body structures and
energy-absorbing systems subject to sudden dynamic loading. It also
encompasses impact biomechanics which can be broadly categorised into human
response, mechanics of injury, human tolerance, development of human
surrogates for impact simulation and occupant protection in general. The
journal also welcomes submissions with experimental, analytical or
numerical analysis as a means of comprehending and predicting the crash
response of occupant behaviour.
Free sample copies available from the publisher.
Published by Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge,
CB1 6AH, England
Phone +44 (1223) 891358
Fax +44 (1223) 893694
Web http://www.racesimcentral.net/