>Subject: N4 Online Points Awarded
>Date: 06/29/2001 8:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Last night when I raced online, someone said they got a +14 for the
>race. How did this person get this number? Did he calculate it by
>hand, or is it available somewhere after the race and I just don't know
>where it is? It seems mighty tough to calculate by hand!
>I have been out to Papy and read about how the ratings system works, how
>points are calculated, and what it takes to move up or down in ratings.
>It did not mention how to view the points accumulated for a race just
>I asked the guy and he told me to go out to Papy, but I didn't see it
>Can this be viewed?
While in multiplayer and logged into Sierra.com.....from the "available races"
screen...find your user id in the list of players in the lower right hand
corner.....click to hilight your id....then look at the bottom ov the
screen....there are 4 letters....P W I M....(Profile, Whisper, Invite and
Muzzle)...click on the P and your profile will appear on screen (note you can
check other players profiles also) initally it shows only your ranking for the
4 types of tracks and LPI (Laps per incident)....HERE IS WHERE YOU FIND OUT HOW
YOU DID IN YOUR LAST RACE.....While viewing YOUR profile press the LEFT Ctrl
key and SHIFT key...(note it only works with the LEFT shift key)...while
holding these keys down you will be able to view the points awarded for the
last 9 races on each type of track....AND other info such as RR RC LA LC IC
(Races run, Races completed, Laps attempted, Laps completed and Incident
(Don't gimme NO***in E-mail)