OT: ignored messages


OT: ignored messages

by Cypres » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Hehe, I just noticed that at one time I had Bruce Kennewell's messages on
'ignore' because all they were, were frequent,  irrelavant, annoying
one-liner responses.  But since I've reinstalled Windows, I forgot to add
that filter, and I just now noticed that he doesn't post here anymore
(unless he changed his name)

No offense to those that may take it please.

Daxe Rexfor

OT: ignored messages

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Hehe, I just noticed that at one time I had Bruce Kennewell's messages on
>'ignore' because all they were, were frequent,  irrelavant, annoying
>one-liner responses.  But since I've reinstalled Windows, I forgot to add
>that filter, and I just now noticed that he doesn't post here anymore
>(unless he changed his name)

I have a filter set up to automatically mark as read (and therefore not
show) anything with "GPL" in the subject line.  Somehow I think that if I
should remove the filter, the messages would still be streaming in...


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OT: ignored messages

by Leaky_Valv » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

No offense taken at all.

> Hehe, I just noticed that at one time I had Bruce Kennewell's messages on
> 'ignore' because all they were, were frequent,  irrelavant, annoying
> one-liner responses.  But since I've reinstalled Windows, I forgot to add
> that filter, and I just now noticed that he doesn't post here anymore
> (unless he changed his name)

> No offense to those that may take it please.

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