Gran Turismo 2 info

Chris Schmi

Gran Turismo 2 info

by Chris Schmi » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Does anyone have or know any specific info concernin Gran Turismo 2
such as car lists, tracks, etc.?
Mr Edmond

Gran Turismo 2 info

by Mr Edmond » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Check out


Gran Turismo 2 info

by ymenar » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Actually I had an URL bookmarked to post on r.a.s. but forgot until you told
me.  I can't wait to test those cars at the tracks they have.  And I can
only drool on how good GT2k wiill be on the PSX2.  The URL is :

Renault Espace F1. I've seen that car in action when Jacques Villeneuve was
behind the wheel at Magny-Cours two years ago.  For those who don't know
it's a Van with an F1 engine.  The AudiTT, I can't wait to compare it to
other Sports coupe.  Nice list of American cars, even if there isn't much GM
cars.  Weird.  I also can't wait to try the car I own presently (Stratus ES)
since it's a sweet car, hope it has a spoiler.  The Honda S2000.  No Beetle
Turbonium, no Porsche and no Volvo's; but a Mercedes CLK !  And finally, a
Plymouth Road Runner.

As for the track, here is the list

Seattle City Circuit
Rome City
Pike's Peak (I hope it's the road track, not just the oval)
Tahiti Seaside
Tahiti Dart Course
Laguna Seca (Interesting.  I want a Dodge Neon race around it)
Hill Climb Course (It's the first racing game that I see having that, WOW)
Oval Course
High Speed Course
You also can race on any of the GT tracks in the old version.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."


Gran Turismo 2 info

by Y.Minam » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I'd write down some parts of info, that interest me.

 Alfa Romeo included but no 155. (There are 156,166.)
 BMW included but no Z3.
 New Toyota Celica included, but, hey, Toyota said it is a flirt purpose
not sports car.
 No Ferrari, SEGA might disturb other Japanese developer.
 No official Porsche, but customized versions.

 Laguna Seca
 Arranged Pikes Peak hill climb (and downhill).

 Total 12 to 15 tracks, I memorize.



Gran Turismo 2 info

by MRSisso » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> > Does anyone have or know any specific info concernin Gran Turismo 2
> > such as car lists, tracks, etc.?

> Actually I had an URL bookmarked to post on r.a.s. but forgot until you
> me.  I can't wait to test those cars at the tracks they have.  And I can
> only drool on how good GT2k wiill be on the PSX2.  The URL is :

> Renault Espace F1. I've seen that car in action when Jacques Villeneuve
> behind the wheel at Magny-Cours two years ago.  For those who don't know
> it's a Van with an F1 engine.  The AudiTT, I can't wait to compare it to
> other Sports coupe.  Nice list of American cars, even if there isn't much
> cars.  Weird.  I also can't wait to try the car I own presently (Stratus
> since it's a sweet car, hope it has a spoiler.  The Honda S2000.  No
> Turbonium, no Porsche and no Volvo's; but a Mercedes CLK !  And finally, a
> Plymouth Road Runner.

> As for the track, here is the list

> Seattle City Circuit
> Rome City
> Pike's Peak (I hope it's the road track, not just the oval)
> Tahiti Seaside
> Tahiti Dart Course
> Laguna Seca (Interesting.  I want a Dodge Neon race around it)
> Hill Climb Course (It's the first racing game that I see having that, WOW)
> Oval Course
> High Speed Course
> You also can race on any of the GT tracks in the old version.

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...

> "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
> how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Damn, my PS has been sitting idle, broken for the last year and a half.
Looks like it's time to either get it fixed or pony up the money for a new



Gran Turismo 2 info

by Rexv » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:01:42 +0900, "Y.Minami"

>I'd write down some parts of info, that interest me.

> Alfa Romeo included but no 155. (There are 156,166.)
> BMW included but no Z3.

Neither are there M3, M5, or 850's, etc. Just basic models.

Don't you love this overdose of licensing restrictions? Sheesh.

A bus station is where a bus stops...
A train station is where a train stops...
On my desk I have a work station...

Andre Hanegraa

Gran Turismo 2 info

by Andre Hanegraa » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Chris Schmidt heeft geschreven in bericht

Don't forget the mini cooper i can't wait to steer that litle one around the
GT is the only game wich i still play on my psx. Normaly on sundays racing
my buddies in memory batle. Ofcourse we still race on-line in the more
advanced sims on pc, but somehow sitting with friens in the same room making
pools to race is so much fun. GT is enough of a sim to stay a challenge. I
only wished there would be an pc version with more realism in physics
engine, racing online but with the same amount of cars. But we would still
race the psx versions on sunday with my buddies. We can't wait to see the
sequal, saving up for your cars during weeks to see how it hold up against
your friends on sundays...

Andre Hanegraaf
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