Please post or give address.
Please post or give address.
he, he, HA!!!
|> Please post or give address.
Try I think they have what you are looking for.
You bleeding heart puss wads are breaking my heart.
I got the Crack and me and 500 of my friends are playin our pirate
asses off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|> You bleeding heart puss wads are breaking my heart.
|> I got the Crack and me and 500 of my friends are playin our pirate
|> asses off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK. You had me going there for a minute. Right up until the part
where you mentioned your friends. You just blew your cover there,
Sherlock. Now we know your lying. Good job on finding that crack,
though. Give yourself a little reward. Take the rest of the day off.
How many hours did you spend sleuthing on Alta Vista before you were
able to break this code?