Running N3 on a Cel400 (OCd to 450) with a 12 meg V2, SB Live, MSFF,
Glide mode, 800x600, draw ahead 4. With AA, on the "ALT-F thingy" (let's
call it that until someone from Pappy confirms it's framerate) is usually
around 20(23) or so - somewhat disappointing.
Changing to 8bit sounds, unchecking FF or lowering # of AI has no noticable
that res 2+ years ago...
In deparation, try D3D. Whoa! 30(30) in 800x600 & almost that in 1024x728.
But the colours suck (Ok I can change the gamma settings) but the details on
the cars and walls are all chunky & gross looking, damn!
Hmm, D3D disables AA...
Try Glide & uncheck AA... Success! Good numbers even under 1024x728. & looks
a whole lot better than D3D, to boot!
So... any of you running a simular setup getting better results or any V3
guys able to run AA without such a frame rate hit?