I keep trying to DL GPL setups/hotlaps, (or view new tracks, etc.) at
BHM, but cannot access any files at that site.
As soon as I click on any of the GPL links, the browser shows the:
"Error on Page" icon, in the bottom left-hand corner (running w98se
and IE-5.5sp2).
If I right click on the "GPL Setups/Hotlaps" link, under
"Properties", I see the following information:
Protocol: Unknown
Type: Not available
Address: URL javascript:popupgplhotlaps()
I've noticed only one other web-site that has this same problem, and
it seems happen only with the Javascript(?) applets.
From the information above, does anyone know why I'm getting these
error messages, and cannot download anything?
IE-5.5 shows javascript is enabled and active (under "Medium"
security setting). Beyond that, I have no ideas...
If anyone knows what could cause this problem, please post , it's
driving me "crackers!" :)
Thanks, Matt
p.s. I've tried to contact web-host(s), but no reply.