>>Anyone using the non-FF Act Labs with PSX module for Gran Turismo? How well
>>does it work. I was also wondering what happens when two PSX are linked
>>together, does each driver in Gran Turismo have a full screen, or is it
>>still split screen?
The problem lies in the software, not the wheel. I don't think that the
"analog" option on GT is quite as refined as what you get with a PC sim/game.
GT seems to have steering in "segments." Sort of if you turn the wheel/stick
0-33% you get Steering level One, 31-66% is Steering Level Two, and 67-100% is
Steering Level Three. With the Dual Shock sticks this is not much of a
problem, as the stick's "throw" is so small you don't have that exact level of
control. However, when you plug in a wheel with 270 degrees of turning, it
really bites when the software can't tell any difference between 1% steering
input and 32% steering input, or when you cross that 34% threshold and
suddenly get 33% more front wheel turning. (These percentages are for
illustration only, not actual figures)
I would imagine that any other wheel is going to have the same problem
with Gran Turismo. I used the wheel with the Test Drive 5 demo that came with
my PS and the ACT Labs RS worked fine with it. It was smooth and much easier
to control the cars than with the short throw of the Dual Shock sticks.
In summary, the ACT Labs RS is a good wheel, but don't buy it to use
exclusively with Gran Turismo. GT is the only PS game that I have, luckily I
also got the PC "engine" at the same time, otherwise I would have been pissed.
John Frost
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