Spending more time watching wrecks than playing

Mike Lew

Spending more time watching wrecks than playing

by Mike Lew » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I know I'm not the only one doing this but last night i think i spent
about 4 hours with the game running on my machine and 3 of those hours
were spent watching the replays in every possible camera angle of my
spectacular wrecks.

Hopefully tonight , I'll be able to complete a few laps with out
spinning out uncontrolably and burning up  :)

i had one really cool wreck coming out of the pits at Spa where I
accidently bumped wheels with Mr. Clark and sent him flipping side
over side about 15 times.  I probably watched that one over and over
for 30 minutes  hehe

Mike Lewis

Bill Met

Spending more time watching wrecks than playing

by Bill Met » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>I know I'm not the only one doing this but last night i think i spent
>about 4 hours with the game running on my machine and 3 of those hours
>were spent watching the replays in every possible camera angle of my
>spectacular wrecks.

  Well, I wasn't watching any wrecks, but I did spend over an hour just
watching the Papy supplied replays.  They're entertainment unto
themselves.  Hell, I think I would have been happy paying $25 for just the
'Ring, Spa, and Monaco replays!

Bill Mette      | "A person is smart.  People are dumb."
MCSNet, Chicago |                        - K MiB

Alison Hi

Spending more time watching wrecks than playing

by Alison Hi » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Aren't they awesome?  Including the replays was a great idea!  Not only
are they fun, but I think one can learn a lot from watching some of


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Michael Youn

Spending more time watching wrecks than playing

by Michael Youn » Sun, 04 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Did I imagine it, or was there intended to be an analysis function in
GPL. (I think I'm confusing CPR's crappy speed graph for something I
imagined was in GPL. Oh well...)

Analog speed-distance graphs were being done since early 60's. Any
chance of that in a future release? Or are we going the ICR/N2 route
again with replay files?


> >  Well, I wasn't watching any wrecks, but I did spend over an hour just
> >watching the Papy supplied replays.  They're entertainment unto
> >themselves.  Hell, I think I would have been happy paying $25 for just the
> >'Ring, Spa, and Monaco replays!

> Aren't they awesome?  Including the replays was a great idea!  Not only
> are they fun, but I think one can learn a lot from watching some of
> them.

> Alison

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