suggestions, and have always gotten great responses, and would like to thank
you all. So here I am again looking for your opinions. I have recently
started a web site. I know there are tons out there. But what I would like
to do with my web site is make it a place where gamers like us can go and
get the info we are looking for. Whether it be links, reviews, help, or
what ever. So I look to you, the masses, for your suggestions, input, and
what ever else you may have to say. I'm sure there will be those of you who
will flame me to no end, but maybe there are a few of you looking for a site
like this, and wouldn't mind stopping by and putting in your 2 cents worth.
Now don't ge me wrong, there are a lot of great sites out there. So many I
can't list them here, but if you help me, I can give you a place where you
can get them.
Thank you for your time and help on this.
Chad Brown