problem in the Turbo Mod for F1 2k2. But when I clicked on the links, only
a lycos page came up...the kind you see when a link has gone inactive.
But then another post in the thread says get flashget. So I do...It looks
kinda like Gozilla! did, but I don't see any commands for dloading. I went
back to the original post with the links and cliked on each link. Next
think I know I have copies of the two zip files I was looking for.
What kind of link is it that requires a special dloader to activate it? I
still don't really know how I got the files...I never clicked on anything
that said: DOWNLOAD THIS FILE YOU DUMMY it just sorta happened.
Needless to say...I'm a little concerned about this kinda too smart
program. Anybody got any info about it?
dave henrie
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