One of the scummy UK mags which love to suck up to advertisers er..
Publishers, gave it 40%.
It's bound to be a turkey.
Please remove my_pants when replying.
Interstate 82 is garbage compared to I76. EVERYTHING in I82 is worse
than in I76. Graphics look crap, the music is nowhere as good as the
groovy 70s music of I76, and the gameplay is really bad. I82 is no fun
at all.
I had some problems configuring my LWFF wheel in I82. I mailed
Activision, and got a personal reply within half an hour, this was
superb, something of which many companies can learn.
But I didn't like the answer. It was something like 'we wish we could
help you, but I82 was not designed to work with a wheel, and the game
has not been tested with wheels.
I driving game which was not designed to use with wheels? WHAT?
On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 21:26:15 -0800, "andrew sword"