What joystick do you have? Here is the method to choose sticks.
clik on start\settings\control panel. then you will see a box full of
icons. Choose the game controller or joystick controller icon.(the name has
once that window opens, you'll see whatever joystick you have listed, or
rather whatever joystick YOU told windows you have.
So if you need to mimic the Thrustmaster FCS, you are in luck. I used to
have one of those...First remove whatever joystick you have selected. Then
press the add button(does this sound familiar? :> ) scroll down the
list and near the bottom you 'should' see a listing for Thrustmaster Flight
Control System. Clik on that line and press the add button.
In a few moments the TM FCS should be shown on your game controllers
window. It should say ok. then choose properties and calibrate your stick
so that you can test all the buttons and hat switches and the throw of the
stick it self(up/down/left/right/all the corners.) If everything looks good
press the apply or ok button. At the top is a controller id tab. clik on
that and make sure the joystick is listed as the #1 device. If not fiddle
with the ^ & v arrows next to the device # until is says #1.
clik ok. close the game controller window.
Load your game and re-calibrate your joystick.(you may have to repeat
some of the stuff you just did, lots of games these days don't use special
joystick routines, they just take whatever windows hands them)
That "should" take care of things.
If that doesn't work. try adding a joystick from near the top of the
list. A two axis 4 button stick should be compatible with a TM FCS. Good
dave henrie
> I don't have anything else hooked up, well maybe besides my mouse, but
> I popped open the stick last night, cleaned out the dust and some debris
out of
> the sticky gunk,played SCGT for a half an hour with no problems, but when
> cranked up SBK2001 again, it happened. So I'm beggining to think that
there is
> something wrong with the EA Sports games.
> I checked the ea sports help file and it said for my particular joystick,
> shoud have it setup in the game controller menu as a Thrustmaster FCS,
> that help and how do I do that?
> Nick
> > Do you have one other joystick connected? Have you gone to the
> > control panel(I think dx8 has renamed it '*** options') and removed
> > 2nd stick. It is a hassle, but I only have one controller active at
> > any time. If I'm flying, I remove the usb wheel and add my joystick.
> > racing I reverse the above. I still leave the stick and wheel connected
> > the back of the cpu box, but I only let windows 'see' one of them. If
> > at least
> > make sure the wheel or joystick you ARE using is listed as the #1 device
> > on the controllers id tab.
> > dave henrie
> > > Well, I though it was just F1CS, but also SBK2001 has fallen victim to
> > > my controller. It happens about every 5 minutes, more frequent as a
> > > session drags on, that I lose all control of the joystick. Sometimes
> > > the car/bike will just keep turning after a corner even though I've
> > > straightened out the controller, or sometimes I'll Apply the brakes
> > > to have the car/bike keep going into the nearby tire
> > > barriar/armco/sandtrap/pedestrian. I have not bben able to complete
> > > laps at Melbourne becuase of this. Someone told me that it may be
> > > becuase I have another item in the USB ports, but I don't. The only
> > > item I have plugged in is the joystick. So what can I do to fix this?
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > Nick