I'd like to present first Russian Off-line Championship 2000!
game: UbiSoft Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2.
There is 15 pilots, 9 teams, and some test pilots.
location: rs2.smith.ru
Championship not divided on pilots playing on keyboard, joypad, joystick,
wheel. We all are playing together.
additional information:
real GP on sunday - next sunday the same GP in ROC-2000
2 weeks tests (you send Ghost laps, but it is not nessecary)
In saturday pilots send saved game with qualification result (in "Grand
Prix" mode)
In saturday night - presentation of qualification result.
2-nd place = 2 sec, added to total time of the race.
and so on.
In sunday pilots send saved "from race" game, which is started by resuming
saved game (which you send on Saturday), saved in time, when short (very
short) distance before finishing the race is remaining.
In monday night - presentation of race result.
In ROC-2000 takes participation people from whole Russian Federation.
I'm strongly recommend to look through the results level in our championship
in mensioned WWW, choosing "???" from main page
In addition, i'd like to say, that I know: hardly some of this conferention
audience speak on Russian. But I can be like "translator", with my not so
bad English.
You are WELCOME to feel the real athmosphere of Formula 1 championship!
Paul Kornienko