the ground correctly...for the most part. Even with zero engine or
other input, the car jitters, primarily in the x and z directions, but
also slightly in the y. It settles down after a bit, but still
Also, I havehandling forclicking on a face in the car model and
highlighting it. When this method is called, the car suddenly starts to
whirl and spin and eventually a parameter gets out of bounds. I can
only imagine that the method is taking too long and the time in between
physics updates is getting too big.
I've tried varying time between physics updates (the base is at
100,000/second (is this too little/too much/just right?), but this seems to
make ZERO difference (except that if I set updates to 1/millisecond
(.001 seconds, it crashes and burns pretty quickly).
Any ideas? The jitters definitely seem to come from settling in the
Pacejka tire model.
"You're the worst thing to happen to musicals since Andrew Lloyd Webber!"
- Stewie from The Family Guy