Wow -- I'm stunned and flattered. All I can say is thank you for your
kind words. I can't tell you how very gratifying it is to get to hear
how my efforts have actually helped someone in this manner. May you
get as much enjoyment from the CompUSA Formula wheels as I've gotten
from reading your message.
See you in Winner's Circle!
-- John Bodin
Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-user-defined
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>As per your post-review last week John I bought CompUSA's Formula
>Racing wheel for $14.99. {Actually bought Four!} Since I can't use my
>legs-feet I must use a race wheel with paddles and not pedals. I did use
>a Thrusmaster Nascar Sprint wheel & its a fine wheel but from now on
>it looks like Comp's Formula Wheel will be my wheel of choice.
>I have cut my lap-times 2-3++seconds on almost all tracks. Now who
>said "ya gotta" use a $200++ race wheel anyway?..;O) Just wanted to
>say thanx & let you know your post-reviews on r.a.s are appreciated.
>Cheers.. Thom j. aka ^Fretts
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>fn:Thom j.