> ... you have no modem. You have no access to the Internet. How are you going
> to get hold of the patches then for all of the software (almost) being
> released these days?
Keep in mind I use *you* loosely, and don't actually mean "you." - Uh,
right...Let's move on...
...you have a computer capable of running the hottest games. You have
no access to the Internet. Why in the sam-hell would you *NOT* have a
modem? I'm sure there *MUST* be a reason, but I can't think of one ATM.
Yeah...I remember the flood_of_patches that flowed from MicroProse's
back door when they released GP2...I suspect the same will be true with
GP3; great sim, no support. =P
Will the IRS refund you if you don't send in a return? Don't think so.
How will you know a patch would even be available (supposing it were
distributed through shops), unless a close buddy (with a modem!) told
you one was available?...the next question would be: how would he tell
you? By phone? Don't think so...You don't have a modem, possibly you
never saw the need because you don't have a phone. ;)
If this group had the system resources to run the latest tech, then I
would presume the group to be extremely *small* in number.
(please remove '_*_' when replying)
Sim Racing News - http://www.simnews.com
The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *