> IT F*%$%%G SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
> I have never seen such pathetic handling from a car in my life - the
> joystick / steering handling is as bad as Formula 1 from Psygnosis.
> P.S. - Sorry for the extreme posting but I was deeply dissapointed by
> this one.
> says...
> > Is X-CAR out?
> > www.xcar.com shows an 8/20 release date.
> > Does anyone have the released version and if so, how is it?
> > Specifically, how is the JOYSTICK CALIBRATION?
> > The demos never seemed to like my T2/ACM setup, slamming the steering
> > hard left. No adjusting of the ACM speed had any effect. I had to
> > REMOVE the ACM card and use my AWE32 gameport for X-CAR only.
> > This was while booted into clean DOS. I refuse to do this for one
> > game. Mail to Bethesda Softworks failed to receive any reply.
> > My T2/ACM works fine in N2/GP2/MTM/POD etc. etc.
> > My ACM works fine with SU-27/iF22/iF16/Ef2000G+/FS95/F18 Hornet/A10Cuba
> > blah,blah.
> > Does the released version work?
> > +| email address mangled to foil automated spammers
> > +| to reply to me, use: rrevved at mindspring dot com
If handling doesn't feel tight, then it's an indication that you will
need to modify the steering, which you can get to from the car mod
screen. Adjusting the steer ratio, steer scale, and steer lock will
greatly affect the feel for each type of peripheral you use. Since
Joysticks tend to pull left and right quickly, you may want to reduce
the response of pulling left and right so that the car doesn't shoot out
so fast. I'm noticing that alot of people are having problems in
handling, and from a similar control point. Half of this game is
tinkering, so tinker away.
My recommendations? For tracks with gradual turns, increase the steer
ratio. For tracks like Seattle which have a lot of right angle turns,
best to decrease the steer ratio so that your can can take these tight
turns. It also helps to increase the steer lock to make these tighter
If you are finding that your car spins out too easily at high speeds
because of a slight turn left or right, you want to mess around with the
steer scale.
Glad I could help.