Race Across America

Colin Harri

Race Across America

by Colin Harri » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Saw Harley Davidson - Race Across America listed today, cheap. Made by
Wizard works, but honestly can't remember a single posting for it in here.
Any views?



Race Across America

by Moogma » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Based on the CNET Gamecenter review at,6,0-3338,00.html
it appears to be priced that way for a reason.

Don Hancock (

Race Across America

by Don Hancock ( » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Based on the CNET Gamecenter review at
>it appears to be priced that way for a reason.

    Gee, I think I'll take one!!

</sarcasm mode>


Colin Harri

Race Across America

by Colin Harri » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

One to miss, then!!!

> Based on the CNET Gamecenter review at
> it appears to be priced that way for a reason.

> > Saw Harley Davidson - Race Across America listed today, cheap. Made by
> > Wizard works, but honestly can't remember a single posting for it in
> > Any views?

> > Colin

Antti Markus Pete

Race Across America

by Antti Markus Pete » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

At least it made a few people smile when reading some of the reviews,
like the one of cdmag's:

"Harley Davidson: Race Across America - First player to Sturgis gets to
uninstall the game!"

" can get a better sim experience playing Atari's Pole Position.
The original one."

"...the game is about as challenging as a two-piece puzzle and almost as
much fun."

"The bikes in this game have all the fuel economy of a refinery fire...
Your bike runs out of gas approximately every sixty seconds."

"The game does have a multiplayer mode, but do you really want your
friends to know that you purchased this game?"

"It's Like: Going to the dentist, only not as much fun."

Antti Markus Peteri

       15 miles. your dim light shines from so far away

                                 - Soul Asylum, Promises Broken

Tim (fusio

Race Across America

by Tim (fusio » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

The game engine is as old and obsolete as the engine in a real Harley.


>Saw Harley Davidson - Race Across America listed today, cheap. Made by
>Wizard works, but honestly can't remember a single posting for it in here.
>Any views?


Don Hancock (

Race Across America

by Don Hancock ( » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>     Gee, I think I'll take one!!

>> </sarcasm mode>

>At least it made a few people smile when reading some of the reviews,
>like the one of cdmag's:

>"Harley Davidson: Race Across America - First player to Sturgis gets to
>uninstall the game!"

>" can get a better sim experience playing Atari's Pole Position.
>The original one."

>"...the game is about as challenging as a two-piece puzzle and almost as
>much fun."

>"The bikes in this game have all the fuel economy of a refinery fire...
>Your bike runs out of gas approximately every sixty seconds."

>"The game does have a multiplayer mode, but do you really want your
>friends to know that you purchased this game?"

        Don't you just HAVE to wonder: What IDIOT would allow something so
stupid to be produced??!!!  Same with Extreme Paintbrawl I understand....  I
can't imagine any programmer allowing something so piss-poor to be



Race Across America

by AM » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Aye, it's amazing. Tho its prolly the publisher who says that we can have
a few bucks with this one. They did release it as a budget title all
along, so I guess they had at least some idea about the quality of the
product. I'm more amazed that Harley let them couple their venerable
brand with a bitload of shit like this. I suppose their PR department
knows squat about computer games. Seems they just had a crash course.

Antti Markus Peteri

       15 miles. your dim light shines from so far away

                                 - Soul Asylum, Promises Broken is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.