Top Gear's resident racing driver (Tiff Needell) went for the "Petty
Nascar Experience" at C***te. It was quite funny watching him during
the familiarisation laps in a street car with the instructor. He was
obviously rather worried about it all, even though he must have tried just
about every other form of 4 wheel racing. But almost as soon as he got out
there in the real thing he got a *real* buzz out of it, despite only
averaging 150ish mph... mind you, if there hadn't been a pace car in front
of him I get the impression he might have been tempted to go a little
faster than his 176mph top speed.
You rarely see and mention of Nascar on UK TV and it was nice to see
someone knowledgeable try it (well, not racing obviously!) and get a huge
kick out of the experience.
Heh... I'm nearly inspired to load up N2, but the need to break the 1:10
barrier in GPL is burning me up :-)
Speaking of GPL, one thing Tiff mentioned about his Nascar laps -- and the
onboard shots confirmed it -- was the lack of a feeling of speed. It
actually looked much slower. Not sure if this has any bearing on the
perceived lack of speed in GPL or not, but it made me realise it's not
just sims that's suffer from this.
A final word from Tiff as he came into the pits afterwards...
"this is a motorsport that the word awesome almost isn't sufficient to
Andrew McP... looking forward to a bit of gentle N3 after a summer of GPL
PS Just seen some rather scary tornado shots from the Southern States.
Hope everyone in that neck of the woods is managing to avoid the "fun".