Hi all. I've just been offered my choice of auto sim games as a present. What
is everyone's opinions on what is best of the stuff available out there.
Hi all. I've just been offered my choice of auto sim games as a present. What
is everyone's opinions on what is best of the stuff available out there.
Take care...
The Cat
**All that matters is who first crosses the finish line on that last
lap.** (did Mark Martin say that? Anyone know?)
Do you like oval or road racing, and also what type of computer do you
have? I'll assume you have a Pentium with at least 16 meg of ram.
Oval - wait for Nascar2 (This may require 16megs RAM when it comes out,
they haven't given final hardware requirements yet so still not sure)
Road - Indycar2 (if you have a Rendition video card check out the numerous
posts in the group for more info) It just looks and plays so well with
the card.
Grand Prix II if you don't have the rendition card. It is easier to drive
in my opinion, but offers more options as far as setup goes.
These are all driving sims. So if your looking for hop in the car and get
it sideways racing then you need to look elsewhere. If you like tweaking
car set ups, and getting involved in competitive sim racing (All of these
sims have sprouted Internet Racing Leagues) you really won't be
disappointed by any of these sims.
They are all great sims each with pluses & minuses depending on your own
IMHO, GP2 has by far the best driving model and articifical intelligence
but don't expect great performance or decent modem play. ICR2 is good fun
and allows you to really slide the car about on the road circuits <g> but
(to me) the car wallows about way too much (makes me feel seasick at
times). Nascar is looking a little long in the tooth now but is great if
you like turning left ;-) Nascar 2 is due out soon and looks like it will
offer a lot of improvements.
At the end of the day though, a lot of the enjoyment comes from racing
against your own heroes, so if you are a Nascar fan, you will naturally
get an extra kick out of Nascar (probably best to wait for the new
version though). Ditto ICR2 & GP2.