I'll bow deep for your wisdom, Oh Wise One!
Humble Remco
Robin Lord - Trance DJ & Sim Racer.
Nrburgring and Grand Prix Legends
| When you sack a driver for being slow, particularly when you have to
| pay money to get rid of him, it is a wise move to sign someone
| quicker.
Robin Lord - Trance DJ & Sim Racer.
Nrburgring and Grand Prix Legends
| ...and the reason for having Jos Verstappen in the title of this post
| is...?? :))
| > When you sack a driver for being slow, particularly when you have to
| > pay money to get rid of him, it is a wise move to sign someone
| > quicker.
| --
| Rob Swindells
| Goldline Bearings FFord Championship: http://swindells.8m.com
| BAR-Honda-Jacques Villeneuve-2000 Champions
Isn't Vercrashen gonna drive for Minardi because he has a lot of financial support to back him up?
If I remember right, his fan club is 2nd biggest to Michael Schumacher in the auto racing world
Gr. Dogge
>>Alex Zanardi has been sacked
>>Williams are thinking of Verstappen!???
>Isn't Vercrashen gonna drive for Minardi because he has a lot of financial