> One of the reasons I returned F1RS to its maker was the cartoonish way the
> rev's would shoot up with the very softest use of the right foot on my TSW
> pedal. Eric Cote even proposed modifying the pedals themselves(!) to ease this
> situation. So now that F1RS is being released in my country, the US, I
> wondered if any out there can note any improvement in this area by this sim
> during low these many months since I sent my direct-copy back to Ubi. Randy
> Magruder had much of the same criticism of the brake-response of CPR, namely
> that it didn't allow for enough pedal travel. Its a very annoying
> characteristic. Have you all just gottne used to this in F1RS, or has anyhting
> gotten better in this respect. -appreciate any feedback. M.
sensitivity settings?