> > > Um, what the hell is this thing? I got a warning that I 'got' it when
> > > clicked on that one message...
> > > What a pain in the ass. Now you get bit by just reading a message.
> Thank
> > > for the tight security Microsoft!
> > > Anyway, I searched the SARC and couldn't find anything about it.
> > > I'm doing a Norton Scan now. So far, no hits.
> > > Is this thing a joke or something ?
> > Most likely it's a script telling you that you have a virus, I did a
> > full scan myself after someone posted that McAfee reported a virus, and
> > couldn't find anything on my system either
> > I'm writing it off as a joke myself
> It's a Javascript with while (true) loop to bring up the dialog.
> So when you close it, it immediately respawns and blocks you doing
> Turn off script execution in your newsreader and it won't happen.
> It's safe - but VERY annoying.
> Peter
It would be nice to find the scumbag that did that and hang him up by his
Very, very annoying and scares a lot of folks into thinking they truly have
a virus.
Fwiw, OE 6.0 is very secure, however to truly keep that from happening you
would need to disable java scripting in Internet Explorer, it would disable
it in OE then as well.
Don Burnette