RC2000 Graphics hassles

Peter Coo

RC2000 Graphics hassles

by Peter Coo » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I have been getting lock ups and corrupt graphics with RC2000.

If I use my Diamond monster Voodoo II 12Mb Card the game sometimes locks up
on me and the Viper TNT Card gets corrupt graphics where all the mapping is
crazy. This is getting very frustrating as I am starting to come to grips
with the steering and posting some reasonable times.

Also, I have a PIII 450, 128 MByte RAM, Heaps of spare disk space, and still
the hard drive is getting hit at times. causing the gameplay to be stop and
go for a few seconds. I am running at 600 x 800 16bit. Latest Diamond
VoodooII Drivers and TNT2 Drivers.

If anyone can assist with some ideas on how to fix this I would appreciate
it :)



RC2000 Graphics hassles

by Jacka » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I can tell you that there is a "communication" problem between the
voodoo and the RC2000 code.

With my voodoo 3 I have to turn off mip mapping and the rear-view mirror
to get avoid frame jumping and terrible frame rates

even then it doesn't always run acceptably (300mhz P2, 128 mb Ram)

they are working on a fix right now - due out urgently before the first

Rich "The Jackal"
Senior digital animator, the Moving Picture Company
Lotus cars site:
Elise pages:

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Douglas Elliso

RC2000 Graphics hassles

by Douglas Elliso » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

What do you need the mirror for anyway??

I aways turn it off in my game!


RC2000 Graphics hassles

by Jacka » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> > With my voodoo 3 I have to turn off mip mapping and the rear-view
> > to get avoid frame jumping and terrible frame rates

> What do you need the mirror for anyway??

> I aways turn it off in my game!

true but when I first got the game I wasn't thinking about the mirror
and was desperatley trying different settings to get the thing to run ok

Rich "The Jackal"
Senior digital animator, the Moving Picture Company
Lotus cars site:
Elise pages:

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Before you buy.


RC2000 Graphics hassles

by Joe6 » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>If I use my Diamond monster Voodoo II 12Mb Card the game sometimes locks up
>on me ...
>Also, I have a PIII 450, 128 MByte RAM...

Very odd. My system is the same, except for my P2 300 CPU. It works
great here.

Joe McGinn
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