***IMPORTANT!!! - Message to you all from Jed at The Pits***


***IMPORTANT!!! - Message to you all from Jed at The Pits***

by Je » Sun, 31 Mar 1996 04:00:00

        Firstly let me dispell a rumour.

I have not been been abducted by aliens, nor have I been run over by a
runaway Nascar.....

Since its beginnings as my homepage in November 1995, The Pits is in
terminal danger of becoming like the Internet - a victim of its own

So far, our counter shows 31000 visitors and thats not including the
5000 odd that are missing because the counter gets overloaded.

To put it bluntly, we have a few problems and I felt that I should
address you all and let you know whats going on.

1) Why doesn't Jed reply to my e-mail?

As most of you will know, I was pretty much unemployed for the past 3
years and as such, had plenty of time to create The Pits.
However, it was time I got a job and now I work as Web & Systems
Manager for a marketing company called Contact.

At present I work 8am-6pm and I'm pretty bushed when I get in.
I get about 50 e-mails a day and if I'm too tired to collect them they
build up.

At present, I'm in the process of getting my e-mail sorted at work and
hopefully, within the next 2 weeks, I will have a work e-mail address
and you will be able to reach me there.

Apologies that I haven't got back to you sooner if you did send me a
message. At present, replies are taking about 2 days to get sent.

2) Why isn't The Pits being update/errors corrected?

Mainly because of the above reasons. My time is limited and my
freetime is precious to me. Unlike some people I know, I have a life
and would rather go out and have fun than sit chained to my PC after
having done that all day.

I AM trying to update The Pits. I am aiming to do it regulary at

When I get my e-mail sorted at work (and the workload goed down) I may
be able to do it from work.


This is terminal. Basically, the people who own Jan Kohls server space
are moaning because The Pits uses 9MB of server space and we don't pay
for it.

Jan forwarded this message to me:

>>GCIC makes available shell accounts to its users for various purposes,
>>including personal web pages. Disk space usage on these accounts are
>>limited to 3MB. Your WWW directory currently has nearly 9MB of disk space,
>>most of it in "thepits/files".
>>Please either remove enough files to
>>go below 3MB, or look into getting a commercial web page with us.
>>Commercial web pages are normally limited to 5MB, and include emall
>>listings, usage statistics and an insert ad on our front page. For a
>>commercial page we could probably raise the MB limit.

>>        Gulf Coast Internet Company     (904)438-5700

Essentially, we have to remove all of The Pits to keep below the
limit, including Jans own page.

Now, there is a myth going around that The Pits is a big organisation,
Its not its me, Jed, on my tod sat at home at my PC. I pay for The
Pits out of my own pocket and at present, can't afford to pay for
server space in the US.

So, this is the plan. At present, I am looking at having some The Pits
merchandise made up (T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, etc) to sell to try
and raise some cash to pay for space on a US server.

Failing that, our only other hope is to get some form of sponsorship,
so if you know or are someone who would like to sponsor or advertise
on The Pits, let us know.

If that doesn't work, can I suggest all of you who want to see The
Pits remaina available at a decent speed from the US, e-mail Mr
Galliot at CGI and tell him how much you love the site and suggest
that THEY sponser the site and give us free space in return.

We really can't survive without your support.

4) When's Daytona coming out?

Again, because of hassles with me not having much freetime, it means
that Daytona has been delayed AGAIN! :-(((((((

I am as desperate as you are to get it out into the Public Domain but
at the moment I just haven't go time to tie up the odds and ends.

I would assume that what will happen is that long before I get Daytona
out, somebody else will release something similar. I can't stop it and
I can't say how good it will be (probably better), but I will keep
trying to get the patch finished.

I won't even guess at  a date for completion but I promise I will get
it finished before the next race in July.

After all, I hope to be in Florida then anyway! ;-)

Anyway, thats all for now.

Ah well back to work......

The Pits

Neil Yeatma

***IMPORTANT!!! - Message to you all from Jed at The Pits***

by Neil Yeatma » Wed, 03 Apr 1996 04:00:00

> All,
>         Firstly let me dispell a rumour.

> I have not been been abducted by aliens, nor have I been run over by a
> runaway Nascar.....

Bummer...being abducted would be great to write about on The Pits! :)

SNIP!   I hate when that happens!  You're not the first this has happened friend's page got shut down for the same reason...and now
        they won't let him have a page at all....needless to say he's going
        to a new provider..I know your situation is different, though...

Do what you can,'re doing us all a fine service...

Let's e-mail this guy....gently, no flames...

> Jan forwarded this message to me:>>

> >>      Gulf Coast Internet Company     (904)438-5700
> >>

> Essentially, we have to remove all of The Pits to keep below the
> limit, including Jans own page.

SNIP!   Maybe you could just keep the *new* stuff on the mirror site?  Would
        that get it below the limit?  You could just link the important new
        stuff from the UK Pits to the mirror?

We need The Pits!

Meek and obedient you follow the leader
down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel..

       Neil Yeatman, Ajax, Ontario, CANADA is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.