Chris, you need to create a subdirectory for each car set. You can
create your sub from DOS. First, change directories to CARS under
ICR2--the dos command is CD \ICR2\CARS if your ICR2 is installed
at the root. Once you are in the CARS subdirectory, create a
directory for the car set you are installing. Use the DOS make
directory command (MD)--for example, MD CARS96. Replace CARS96 with
the name that you want the car set to have. Next, copy the car set
files to this new directory. Make sure the file with the DAT
extention has the same name as the subdirectory that you are placing
it in--for this example it should be CARS96.DAT. Use the DOS rename
command, REN, to rename your car set's filename if necessary or use
the filename as the subdirectory name when making the directory
(Note: you can not use the REN command in DOS to rename
subdirectories. Use the MOVE command instead. For example, MOVE
CARS96 CARS97 will rename a subdirectory named CARS96 to CARS97).
Make sure you have a DRIVERS2.TXT file in each car set's
subdirectory. If you install a car set that does not have a
DRIVERS2.TXT file, then copy a DRIVERS2.TXT file from another car
set--for example, if you are currently in the CARS96 subdirectory,
then use COPY ..\CARS95\DRIVERS2.TXT (the two dots refer to the
parent directory of the current directory; alternatively you could
use COPY \ICR2\CARS\CARS96\DRIVERS2.TXT if your ICR2 is attatched to
the root).
The above procedures are performed for you when you use paintkit to
create a new car set. When you start paintkit with a name on the
command line, it searches the CARS subdirectory for a subdirectory
with that name. If it does not find a subdirectory with that name,
then paintkit prompts you asking if you want to create the car set.
If you answer yes, then paintkit creates the subdirectory using the
name you supplied on the command line (for example, PAINTKIT CARS96).
Paintkit then copies the DAT file, DRIVERS.TXT and DRIVERS2.TXT file
from the CARS95 subdirectory into the newly created subdirectory. If
Paintkit finds a subdirectory with the name you supplied on the
command line, then it opens that car set. You can use Paintkit to
create your new subdirectories, then return to DOS and replace the
files in the newly created subdirectory with files of other car sets.
That's it. Glenn