- Saturday July 10th
- MichiganBR
- CTS Mod
- 100% Race 400 laps
- 7:00PM EST Qualifying Time
- Open Setups
- Yellow Flags
- Moderate Damage
- Driving Aids Allowed
All Canadians welcome. Race will be open to members and non-members of CORL,
no entry fees or other costs.
Plaque/trophy to the race winner.
Schooner Solutions hat to pole winner.
Other prizes randomly drawn from race participants.
If you know drivers that might be interested please let them know. They can
We will be holding open practice sessions throughout the week leading up the
race so watch the forums for details. The main "official" practice will be
held tonight, Monday July 5th.
If you are a non or past member and are looking to run this race please
email us for the server information and password. Also please indicate the
car number that you are planning to run. Car # preferences will be given to
CORL members. Entry will be limited to 40 drivers with preference to CORL
www.corl.ca - Canadian Online Racing League