continue to get the same damn problem with GPL: Every category of
graphics that has "texture on" gets blacked out during the game. If I
want the track texture on, the whole track blacks out in splotches,
lines and swaths of black. Same thing with terrain, objects, etc., etc.
First I thought I needed more power, so bought a second creative labs
8mb V2 card and had 16 mbs of V2 power...same result. I tried a Thriller
but it kept locking up and was inferior for a primary 2D card than my
Matrox primary 2D. Then I found an old 4 mb Diamond Monster 3D (circa
1997) and tried it, works great and looks great but it's not enough
power and I can only get anywhere from 18 fps to 26 fps rates (depending
on # of cars, graphics, etc.) which is just not good enough. So I
returned everything else and bought a new Diamond Monster 3D II card
with V2 technology...and the same damn "black outs" occur.
I have a Dell PII 300 overclocked in excess of 345 with 64 mb ram and
Yamaha integrated sound. Has anybody else had this problem? I'm at my
wit's end. Please tell me if there is some kind of fix, like a setting
change or perhaps different drivers (although the drivers that came with
the cards should all be up to date).
I've gone thru 5 different cards (4 3Dfx and 1 Rendition based) and
nothing is working satisfactorily, and I'm DYING to run GPL! For now
I'll just use the 4mb Monster3D but it's much too slow. I haven't
returned the new 8 mb Monster 3D II but if I can't get 3Dfx to work I'll
have to soon. Thanks for any help!
Pulling my hair out,
Stephen B.
(email responses quite appreciated)