>Can someone please tell me how to make the T2 work in NFS1. I picked it up
> today at best buy for 15 bucks.
directory (make sure you installed and use the DOS version, not
% Can someone please tell me how to make the T2 work in NFS1. I picked it up
% today at best buy for 15 bucks.
I don't have NFS1, but hopefully the following will work. First you may
need the Converter plug for the T2 if your unit was manufactured before
November 18, 1996 (look at the bottom of the steering console, there should
be a sticker with numbers on it -- YYMODA year/month/day 961118 =
November 18, 1996).
Did the program ask to calibrate the first time you ran it?
In the Game Mode screen, select single player
Enter a name
Use the arrow keys to select Options
Select Controls Setup ->
Select steering -- press space bar until joystick left/right
Select Accelerate/Brake -- space bar until joystick up/down
If you didn't calibrate the first time the game ran, select
Calibrate joystick
Select Done
In the Options screen select Transmission -- Space bar to select either
Automatic or Manual.
Select Done and go driving....
(the above information lifted from Thrustmaster's FYI for their NASCAR
Pro wheel/pedals unit.)
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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