Been reading with interest the thread on Slots. About 3 years ago, I
cleaned out my collection, so am no longer active, however, I thought
I'd pass along some info.
First, Slots are still very much around. There's 1/24 and 1/32 cars
available for commercial tracks in many different styles, Nascar
included. Roughly, you have two branches of slotting: "Thingies" and
"Scale". I liked "Scale".
1/32 home sets are still being marketed by "Scalectrix" and a few
others. Also, "vintage" cars are still available, but be prepared for
sticker shock if the car you have to have is a very desirable piece.
Also, condition plays an important roll in the price of a vintage. Many
of cars of my 80+ car collection was vintage, mainly Strombecker,
Revell, and Monogram. And of them, the more "common" cars that weren't
too expensive.
If you're geniunely intersted in possibly getting back into the hobby,
do a word search using the keyword "Slotcar", and you will be amazed at
how many places to hit you'll find.
Have fun...