I just bought a ThrustMaster NASCAR Pro Wheel, and love it! I have been
playing CART Precision (or lack thereof) Racing (or lack thereof), and the
wheel works fine.
But I installed F1RS, and the car wants to turn right when it is center.
"Okay," I said, "I'll just recalibrate it." I did, and had the same
problem. WORKS FINE AND DEAD CENTER IN CPR. I don't even get any drift
through my SB16 gameport (have to send the ACM gamecard in for replacement -
had drift in that with any and all wheels no matter what the dial was set
at, but that's another story). "Well, I'll run ThrustMaster's TMScope to
make sure the pots are okay." They were fine, dead center. The pedals had
no problem in any game; just the wheel in F1RS. So then I tried
reinstalling the game...no luck there. I've played with all the sensitivity
settings (I require good steering response, so it is 100% sensitivity and
14-18o lock).
Again, this problem ONLY OCCURS IN F1RS, and I have to hold the wheel at
almost 10o to the left to get it to go straight. Grand Prix 2, NASCAR 2,
and IndyCar 2 all work fine (running in Windows). Also, I recall this
happening with my old TM Grand Prix 1 wheel. In fact, that was why I bought
AND PROPANEL INSTALLED AND SET UP. There isn't some left-side stagger I
don't know about, is there? :o)
I would greatly appreciate any help I can get, as I really need a 3dfx F1
sim to keep me sane until GPL comes out (not to mention it's the only F1 sim
that I like, graphically. I love the way GP2 and CPR drive, but it's the
out-of-date graphics with one and the horrible AI with the other). Would a
reinstallation of DirectX and/or an upgrade to 6.0 help? What about that
Windows 98 dead-zone fix? Would that do anything? Granted, it's not the
deadzone (in fact, it's fine on mine) but the offset center.
Here is my system configuration:
- 266MHz AMD K6 MMX
- 100MHz FSB Motherboard
- 32MB 100Mz SDRAM
- Sound Blaster 16 PnP, Using Onboard Gameport
- Matrox Mystique 220 4MB D3D Card
- Diamond Monster 3D II 8MB Card
- 24x CD-ROM
- 540MB HDD (don't make fun, I'm upgrading this week so I can do the
swap-file trick)
- ThrustMaster NASCAR Pro Racing Wheel, Connected to SB16's Gameport.
- Windows 98 OEM Clean Install, DirectX 5.0
Thanks again in advance for any help you guys game provide! Please email me
if it is a definate solution!
- John P. Wilson :|:
- Dell Computer Corporation http://www.racesimcentral.net/
- Downshift http://www.racesimcentral.net/
- Ten Cylinders, Six Gears, Four Wheels, Two Wings, and One Brave Heart