: Hi
: I'm busy with a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. My thesis
: deals with simulating driving cycles on an engine test bench. As part
: thereof I have to simulate vehicle pull-away. What I want to know is
: whether anyone can help me here, i.e. how the torque transfered by the
: clutch increases during the typical pull-away of a light passenger
: vehicle. I do realise that this is very driver dependant (Grandma vs
: Schumacher) but and apart from actually measuring it myself any help
: will be greatly appreciated.
I think you need to have the torque vs rpm curve. Because the rpm is
usually changing during pull-away. Variate the clutch friction factor from
0 to 1 describes how a person release the clutch pedal. You may also need
to know the engine flywheel characteristic so that you know how rpm is
affected when the clutch is releasing. Monitor the vehicle speed and the
engine speed and compare. When they matched, pull-away process completed.
However, the process will become more complex if you also consider weight
transfer. FWD and RWD seems to be different here.
This is just my thought. But you are a mechanical engineer, I think you
are more familiar with the mathematical equations than me I think.
Suggested trial method: Use GW-BASIC which supports easy programming of
sound and joystick. Try to write a program which assumes 2000rpm initial,
0 mph initial, guess a torque curve and assume a value for the flywheel.
Use the joystick as the clutch input, use the 'sound' commmand to output
the frequency proportional to the rpm. See what happens, good luck.
Bernard Shum