I've read ALL of the 3D reports and tests and adds and posts..so
on......that i could get my hands on.
I was torn between the Reactor (seems like the best for supported games)
and the Mystique (because hey we all do some stuff in windows).
I hate to add to the "Tell me what card to buy crowd" because i know they
all have highs and lows , and this is a what seems to be a Reactor bias
crowd but please answer this for me
1)What card will play UN-support specific games the best ?
2)Are the Add-on daughter-cards on the Mystique going to be anything
"Special" ?
3)Between the Reactor and the Screamin' 3D .Will the driver upgrades be
that much more frequent from Intergraph that it will out weight the better
bundle of the Screamer ?
Thanks to everyone that has allready posted 3D info and anything in the
future .