Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

Ruud van Ga

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Ruud van Ga » Thu, 27 Feb 2003 21:13:56

Hi all,

I'm going through some extensive testing of the weight transfer in my
vehicle model. I'm finding that when the car accelerates, the weight
transfer (frontload vs. rearload) isn't exactly split in half.

So for example (with a 50/50 weight balanced car):
weight difference in front: -250N
weight difference in rear: 220N
theoretical weight difference front: -230N
theoretical weight difference rear: 230N
Fx on rear wheels: 1400N
Fx on front wheels: -100N
CG height: about 0.2m

Note that this gives a perceived weight change of (-250+220)=-30N,
meaning the car gets 30N lighter.

I have an idea that since the car is pitching, there is a force
(Fx*sin(pitchAngle), where Fx=driving force on rear wheels) that is
pushing the car up a bit. This would result in the slightly lighter

I'm applying the Fx (road reaction forces) of the wheels at the car's
side instant center, which currently is conveniently constant. The
car's weight balance is 50/50, no jacking forces or anything to
complicate things.

Could the perceived lift be what is happening due to the pitch angle?
Or will the Fx's from the wheels be reduced as viewed from the side
view instant center? (Fx_ic=Fx*cos(pitchAngle)). If so, where does the
other part of Fx go? (Fx*sin(pitchAngle))

Just wondering whether the car will lift indeed a bit when it has a
pitching angle (AND is accelerating).


Ruud van Gaal
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Steve Blankenshi

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Steve Blankenshi » Fri, 28 Feb 2003 00:38:06

I'm largely ignorant about physics, but isn't this line of thought proved by
vehicles doing wheelies?  Seems to me that if the increased weight on the
rear matched the reduced weight on the front, all the wheels would stay on
the ground.  For a vehicle to lift from a flat surface, the sum of the
weight on the four wheels would have to be less than the vehicle weight.

Back to my cave...



Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Haqsa » Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:27:37

Actually it would be the opposite.  In order to do a wheelie the car's CG
has to move upward, which is a vertical acceleration, which would increase
the apparent weight of the car until it reached it's maximum upward
velocity, after which the weight would decrease.

J. Todd Wass

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by J. Todd Wass » Fri, 28 Feb 2003 14:20:09


Are your tire forces projected onto the surface or do they operate in vehicle

There should not be a vertical component to the longitudinal force at all if
you temporarily get rid of the anti-squat/dive jacking forces.  The forward
force on the tire is local to the tire/road local coordinate system, not the

If you're getting this as a function of pitch (try softer springs and see if it
increases the effect) than perhaps the tire forces aren't being projected to
the ground plane, but instead act along the car's forward vector.

Otherwise it might be from anti-squat.  In that case, yes, the CG should rise
under acceleration if the side view instant center is above ground level.  I'm
not sure if that would directly equate to a variation from the theoretical
weight transfer calculation or not off the top of my head.

If it's from anti-squat, then this shouldn't be related to pitch unless the
side view instant center moves with pitch (yours are fixed, right?).  
With your approach, make sure the jacking force is applied along the surface
normal, not the vertical axis of the car.

The quickest way to get at this would be to disable anti-effects entirely.

Todd Wasson
Performance Simulations
Drag Racing and Top Speed Prediction

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Steve Blankenshi

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Steve Blankenshi » Fri, 28 Feb 2003 23:49:15

Did I say largely ignorant?  I meant to say Largely Ignorant... ;-)

> Actually it would be the opposite.  In order to do a wheelie the car's CG
> has to move upward, which is a vertical acceleration, which would increase
> the apparent weight of the car until it reached it's maximum upward
> velocity, after which the weight would decrease.

> > I'm largely ignorant about physics, but isn't this line of thought
> by
> > vehicles doing wheelies?  Seems to me that if the increased weight on
> > rear matched the reduced weight on the front, all the wheels would stay
> > the ground.  For a vehicle to lift from a flat surface, the sum of the
> > weight on the four wheels would have to be less than the vehicle weight.

> > Back to my cave...

> > SB

Ruud van Ga

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Ruud van Ga » Sat, 01 Mar 2003 20:11:17

They're in vehicle coordinates.

I think that's the problem; I do indeed apply Fx directly, without any
projecting/rotating. So probably after calculating Fx (long. force)
for a tire, I'll have to project it on the car forward vector then;
anyway to this this quickly?
My first though would be to:
- assuming car_forward_vector is normalized; can be taken directly
  from its rotation matrix
- make a vector v that is Fx*(car_forward_vector)
- project v onto a (flat) surface: y=0, so v'=(v.x,0,v.z)
- find the projected Fx_body using: Fx_body=v' dot car_forward_vector

This only works for a flat underlying road; any ideas on a quick and
always-working projection?

Lastly; with a pitched car, Fx as acting on the body then gets reduced
(Fx_body=Fx*cos(pitch)), but what happens then with the other part
(that just got cut off from Fx)? What does it act on?

Mine are fixed still, right. I was not clear probably; my 'perceived
mass' reduces (the sum of the wheel loads gets smaller than the weight
of the car itself; this in a steady state acceleration). Like the car
is pushed upwards and therefore appears to lose weight when you look
at the wheel loads.

Also a nice one. :)


Ruud van Gaal
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J. Todd Wass

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by J. Todd Wass » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 08:12:53

At one time I did it similar to how you're describing (using the car forward
vector).  Now, however, I ignore the car vectors entirely when working with the
tires.  Note that if you're doing this with longitudinal forces, chances are
the same thing is happening laterally as well (roll angle is probably effecting
both total cornering force as well as artificially lifting the car and lowering
its weight.)  I now do a cross product op with the tire side vector and the
track surface normal vector.  That gives the forward vector of the tire
projected onto the surface (this is the direction the longitudinal force acts
in Pacejka).  Then I cross that forward vector with the surface normal to get
the side vector as it is projected onto the plane.  You now have two new tire

1) Side vector projected to plane
2) Forward vector projected to plane

This is nice because it might get rid of one of Racer's camber bugs, among
other problems.  I'm pretty sure camber will be messing things up the same way,
but rotated 90 degrees.

Make sure you're calculating slip angle using the velocity vector of the tire
projected onto the surface the same way with a dot product between vector (1)
and the projected velocity vector.  The idea here is to look at all this in the
road triangle's local coordinate system, hence all the projections.  Slip ratio
should be calculated in a similar fashion.

Next, run through Pacejka's tire model to get Fx and Fy using slip angle and
ratio, then multiply those forces by vectors (1) and (2) above.  That will give
two forces at each tire in world coordinates.

To make things easy, add the two forces together to get one resultant force.

Add this resultant force to the car in world coordinates, and voila.  The
problem should go away.

After all that, you could check to see if things are working.  In the absence
of camber effects in Pacejka, the car should corner at the same lateral
acceleration (producing the same tire forces) regardless of the body's roll
angle, and of course the car should not lose or gain any weight in the process.
 I had this problem too and it was a *** to figure out :-)  The same thing
can be done in the fore/aft direction of course.

Don't do that :-)  If you do you will reduce the forward force acting on the
car while eliminating the vertical component (cos(pitch) < 1 most of the time).
 The car will stop losing weight, but now it will accelerate differently
depending on pitch angle.

Instead, it's best to convert forces into their components or resultants in
whatever coordinate system you want and use them directly.

Oh, ok.  I see what you mean.  You might still want to take a closer look at
your anti stuff too because it's very likely that a similar problem exists
there, even though it might be covered up at the moment by the other.  Your
jacking forces should be determined by the angle between the IC and contact
patch (or wheel center for whichever brake that is) and the triangle surface
normal (minus 90 degrees so it's really the angle between the road and the IC).
 The jacking force can then be applied along the triangle normal.  My gut tells
me this isn't quite how it works in Racer, so you'll start to see similar
problems pop up later.  

Todd Wasson
Racing Software
My car sim

Ruud van Ga

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Ruud van Ga » Tue, 04 Mar 2003 23:39:06


Hm, interesting. Thanks Todd.
Actually I'm testing even without Fx/Fy forces now, to check out the
weight balancing at a standstill (which is still a bit off).
I thought of the fact today that my wheels have mass; that may
introduce some rotated (jacking-like) forces as well.

Although tests follow-up quickly, a 40%-60% car didn't really come out
as such in a standstill. First it started to roll by itself due to
wrongly pointed forces (at a wgt% of about 40.9% at front), then after
adding forces along the surface normal the car would stand still, but
the WT got worse (41.1%).
Still lots of drawings to make... :) However, it's already a lot
better; it just takes so much time and looking at numbers to get it
right. Wish the weekend had about 10 days. ;-)

Which bug are you referring to here?

Ok, on to more general vectorized application of the forces then!

Ruud van Gaal
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J. Todd Wass

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by J. Todd Wass » Thu, 06 Mar 2003 09:29:18

I feel ya ;-)

From reading the forum, I was under the impression folks were having strange
results when using camber.  I'm not referring to anything specific and haven't
experienced it myself of course.

Todd Wasson
Racing Software
My car sim

Ruud van Ga

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Ruud van Ga » Thu, 06 Mar 2003 21:41:38

Ah yes; might be caused because some Pacejka sets use varying
coordinate systems (not SAE, but TNO or some other mystical
'looks-better-in-a-picture' system), so I'm told.
So the need for a coefficient check is definitely in order; checking
whether camber thrust points in the right direction (and
warning/correcting if not).
The camber angles actually seems ok from the looks of it.

About the weight transfer; it's much better now, and I'm close to
getting it all fixed. A reason for trouble was the mass of the wheels;
my 'theoretical weight transfer' was calculated using the sum of the
sprung and unsprung mass. I shouldn't have included the wheels in
weight transfer formula though (W_front=W_total*b/L), but instead
taken it apart: W_front=W_sprung*b/L+W_frontwheels.

This actually resulted in the 'Actual weight transfer' (wheel loads as
they come out of the sim) figures I saw were really close to what it
should be (good news).
There are some fine bits now; the wheel load pointing up is currently
used as-is as the wheel vertical force. Which isn't correct; I now
will decompose the Fz (wheel load) force into the force which points
along the vertical direction (my springs are all vertical), as
F_vertical=Fz dot carUpVector, and then leave Fz-F_vertical as a
remaing force which acts directly on the chassis (not unlike jacking

Only now I see why most of you use massless wheels. :)

Ruud van Gaal
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Ruud van Ga

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Ruud van Ga » Fri, 07 Mar 2003 22:36:44


As a sidenote, even though this method gives you the forward vector, a
direct projection onto the plane might work too (and be faster?):
- the plane is described by: n.x*x+n.y*y+n.z*z+d=0, where n=surface
- to project the sidevector you can just do:
  d=v dot n
  v_projected = v-d*n

Haven't tested this in practice, but if you don't use the forward
vector, you could use this. If you don't already. ;-)

Ruud van Gaal
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J. Todd Wass

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by J. Todd Wass » Sat, 08 Mar 2003 08:11:10

Thanks for the suggestion.  I have tried this in a couple areas before, but for
some reason it didn't work as planned.  Of course, with my brilliant sign
conventions, that should be no surprise :-)  

I just stick to cross products for most things.  For some reason projecting via
dots usually gets me in trouble.  Maybe I just think in right angles better :-)

Todd Wasson
Racing Software
My car sim

Ruud van Ga

Car physics: weight transfer exactly 50/50?

by Ruud van Ga » Sat, 08 Mar 2003 19:54:46

Ah, I know. Although after long debugging runs, you always end up
removing a couple of '-' signs. ;-) Therefore my first tries these are
always just with a '+'. Somehow in the end it all fits better.
Pure voodoo sometimes, programming. I'm glad the computer knows what
it's doing.

Hehe, that may be true.
Still, the dot product is the best invention since sliced bread. A
matrix conversion is for example just a bunch of dot products
(projections on the other coord system's axes).
Thinking of a dot product as the length of one vector projected onto
the other has made it visually feasible for me to grasp what it will
do. It's just taking care that one of the two vectors is unit length
that might be tricky.

Ah well, the forward tire vector is useful anyway for applying Fx I
guess. :)

Ruud van Gaal
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