Wrong.... The game only shows your number and 2 letters, usually your initials when you actually type something..... IN the Player
section of the Game there are 10 autochats you can preset and put your name buy. Read the readme file and RTFM :-) If you put a $
sign after each one it will post automaticly when you hit the key.... the ten autochats work off numbers 1 thru 10 on the numbers
across the top of the KB.
| Since GPL, which N4 and NR2002 are based on, when you type something you see it, but everyone else
| also sees your name on the front of it.
| --
| Biz
| "Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
| alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
| the....." - Ash
| > Hi all,
| >
| > Another newbie question. When I see chat from most people it shows up with
| > their name beside the text. When I use the T key to open the chat and type
| > mine does not show up with my name next to it. Does everyone else see my
| > name? Or am I messing something up. I usually only use auto chat, but some
| > guy kept asking me a question last night and I just needed to respond with a
| > "yes".
| >
| > Hehe was really tough to do and keep control. Still not sure how the rest
| > of you do this.
| >
| >