need to share with the world.
13 months ago I bought my RS wheel. Happy I was until one pot started to
spike. After some argueing with the retailer here in NZ, the wheel part was
replaced with a new one. Now just outside warranty, it started again and
this time a less than receptive response from the retailer who sold me the
On the off chance that ActLabs tech support might assist, I fired an email
at them, basically with a gripe about the retailer. Not really expecting a
reply (at least for some time), I was blown away when I received a reply
overnite. "Would I supply my postal address as they will send a replacement
pot, at no cost" . The local importer details are to follow in case I wish
to contact them in the future.
I replied straight away with the postal details and within 2 hours had a
further reply with confirmation that the pot is in the mail.
Given that ActLabs had some problems early on, when demand blew them away a
bit, they certainly have their ship in order now. In fact, the sort off
response I have received in this case is second to none.