: Anyone know of a link where I can find the year 2000 car sets for Grand Prix
: 2?
: Thanks
> Thanks
Bores bore each other too, but it never seems to teach them anything. -
Don Marquis
Everyone has their own preferences.? I chose Juha's carset the last 2 years.? He
updates it after every race.? You can find it and others here:??
www.grandprix2.com - f1 season 2000 carsets
> > Anyone know of a link where I can find the year 2000 car sets for Grand Prix
> > 2?
> > Thanks
> Either of these should do the trick www.gp2.com or www.grandprix2.com
> Pat
> http://members.tripod.com/~PatrickD/index.html
> Tel-0131-661-3189
> Bores bore each other too, but it never seems to teach them anything. -
> Don Marquis
Visit the AMW Race Team at http://AMWracing.homestead.com/Main.html