I have a TM Nascar Pro with different pots in the wheel to the pedals..
the Wheel ones are the same as in the T2.. fairly standard.. I THINK they
are 100k?? is that right??
The ones in the pedals are different with a metal shaft... they only turn
about 30 degrees.. are these 250k??
OK.. so what is BEST?? Some ppl say they use 500k?? A friend uses 100k
all round and is consistently about 3 tenths slower and he wants to know
what pots to use to get the best performance.. (durability isn't the
thing,.. they are cheap enough.. just need the ones that are teh best to
go FAST.. isn't it alway the case :-)
So.. what is best for:
Also, There are pots called "Opti-pots" which are Optical pots with 4 times
the resolution!!! But they are about $200 each... anyone know of them..
use them??
Hope to hear from you guys soon
James Pickard,