Watkins Glen?


Watkins Glen?

by rsa » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Could someone please tell me if any sims have Watkins Glen with the boot?

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Watkins Glen?

by ymenar » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

There is no such sim who has it.  The only chance would be a user created
track for either GP2 or C:PR, but I've seen almost all the tracks for GP2
and never I've seen the Glen with the boot.  But it's a great idea to
anybody who has spare time ;)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

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Watkins Glen?

by Michael Barlo » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> Could someone please tell me if any sims have Watkins Glen with the boot?
> Thanks.....

> To respond via EMAIL to a newsgroup post, remove NO_SPAM from my address.

        I don't think there is a Sim that has the Boot :(  Believe me, if there
was, I'd be the first to do all I could to convert it at any cost!!

        I've had the pleasure of driving the boot (slowly at about 35 mph) in
my Geo Storm to drop off a corner worker at station and love the way the
"Toe" is setup.
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Watkins Glen?

by rsa » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I've driven the Glen with the boot layout at a track event. It was a blast. I
find it hard to believe that it hasn't been done in a sim.


>> Could someone please tell me if any sims have Watkins Glen with the boot?
>> Thanks.....

>> To respond via EMAIL to a newsgroup post, remove NO_SPAM from my address.

>        I don't think there is a Sim that has the Boot :(  Believe me, if there
>was, I'd be the first to do all I could to convert it at any cost!!

>        I've had the pleasure of driving the boot (slowly at about 35 mph) in
>my Geo Storm to drop off a corner worker at station and love the way the
>"Toe" is setup.

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Per Bostr?

Watkins Glen?

by Per Bostr? » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

What is the boot?


Watkins Glen?

by Schlom » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

There is one for GP2.  I have it and drive it alot.  Go to and look in the North American tracks section.  Get
the one marked Watkins Glen '80.  It has the chicane in the Esses but it has
the boot.  It fairly well done too.



Watkins Glen?

by ymenar » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

The boot is a portion of the track that is mostly unused these days.  Well
not by the NASCAR series racing there.  It was used as a portion of the
track back in the days of Formula 1 racing (after the big modifications to
the track) from 1971 to 1980.  It is a very interesting track section, that
I would love to see Winston Cups cars race there, since IIRC it goes
downhill at a tremendous rate and has a weird off-camber corner I think.

Here is maps of the track :   (note the chicane in the Esses)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Michael Barlo

Watkins Glen?

by Michael Barlo » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> > What is the boot?

> The boot is a portion of the track that is mostly unused these days.  Well
> not by the NASCAR series racing there.  It was used as a portion of the
> track back in the days of Formula 1 racing (after the big modifications to
> the track) from 1971 to 1980.  It is a very interesting track section, that
> I would love to see Winston Cups cars race there, since IIRC it goes
> downhill at a tremendous rate and has a weird off-camber corner I think.

> Here is maps of the track :

>   (note the chicane in the Esses)

        hehe, I used to watch from the roof of the Glen Club as the SCCA cars
jump the chacane!  It was always a highlight of every weekend :)

Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?

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Richard ZZ Busc

Watkins Glen?

by Richard ZZ Busc » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Go to :

They have a track section that has the Glen with the boot. Or you can
mail me and I'll send one to you. It's only 40kb.

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Richard "ZZ" Busch

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Watkins Glen?

by rsa » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Is GP2 still marketed by Microprose? I can't find it.

>There is one for GP2.  I have it and drive it alot.  Go to
> and look in the North American tracks section.  Get
>the one marked Watkins Glen '80.  It has the chicane in the Esses but it has
>the boot.  It fairly well done too.


>>There is no such sim who has it.  The >only chance would be a user created
>>track for either GP2 or C:PR, but I've >seen almost all the tracks for GP2
>>and never I've seen the Glen with the >boot.  But it's a great idea to
>>anybody who has spare time ;)

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