Dont buy GP2 if you plan on playing modem. What a excellent driving sim
only to spoil it with
a crappy modem configuration. Geoff Crammond musta had his head up his
ass when he released this
sim after testing the network capabilities of the modem config. program.
I loved this game until
I tryed it on modem for the first time and now it will sit on my shelf
and collect dust alongside my doom collection,etc,etc. I will stick to
my trustworthy ICR2 as I race my buddies at 200 mph via modem. GP2 is a
great sim in itself. The graphics are great, the feel is awesome, but if
you dont want to race computer
cars all day you better spend your money on ICR2 or nascar by Papyrus.
Papy has their shit together when
it comes to their modem play. The frame rate is still as fluid over the
modem as it is in the game itself. GP2
on the other hand splits the framerate in half when you connect via
modem. Its sad that Crammond wanted
to be so different than his competitors that he forgot one of the most
important things serious to
Racin sim buffs and that is GAME PLAY!! Without good modem capability I
might as well go to my local arcade
and play Daytona USA. As far GP2 is concerned I hope that Crammond will
take more time and listen to
the general racin sim population and make sure next time he doesnt
forget these important issues!!
The bottom line: It really sucks when you wait patiently for a game that
claimes to be so good for months after they tell you it will be released
and you find out when it does come out that it is FAR from what they
hipe it up to be. Dont blow smoke up our ass Microprose, just deliver
what you say you will!