I can hold my own (sometimes more than enough) with 100% strength
opponents at a lot of tracks, but I can't get the hang of Rockingham :(
I run laps high 148s, low 149 and fastest is a mid 150. I've played
around with setups but can't make any headway. I notice that the CCs
qualify mid 148s but run at least 1.5mph faster in the race. I'm not
too hot qualifying here either, but can get well into the top ten (from
a standing start) in the first couple of laps, but then the CCs sort
themselves out a bit and just drive off into the distance.
If you've got some setup help and can talk me through a lap (brake
points, line used) it would be greatly appreciated.
1 mile ovals are DEFINATELY my weak point in this thing. I'm terrible
at Dover too.
Reading, UK