While recording sounds from Return of The Jedi and then listening to them,
I noticed the following:
The pretty large segments I recorded of the Speeder-Bike chase were fitting
perfectly for GP-2. Throttle, acceleration, start, constant running.
Thus I used an editor and put the sounds in GP-2. The result was
magnificent. The sound ran fluid, great acceleration sound et al.
Then my mind began to work. The shape of the side of an F-1 car can fit the
side of a Speeder Bike with Biker Scout/Pilot.
I'm not a great computer drawing artist, and I've not yet made an attempt
at drawing a Speeder Bike for GP-2, but the basic shape seems to fit.
But, I need to loose the wheels, suspension and wings, plus rework the
rear. Now, if I use Paint Shop Pro and use the greenish background collor
over the wheels, thus completely removing them from the drawing, are the
wheels gone in GP-2? And is it possible to remove the smoke that appears at
hard braking?
Also, is it possible to change the pictures like when you have Pole
Position with for instance Darth Vader?
Also, I want to remove the tarmac and all signs, buildings and advertising
alongside the track, so it becomes a forrest race. This should be too
If anyone has any suggestions, hints or ideas, please tell me. The initial
sound-only version was pretty dam interesting. Except for the problem of
low-revs. The sound is utterly distorted then. Also, I tried to change the
horn-sound, but it resulted in the sound being played VERY slowly. What's
the cause for this?
This message brought to you by the one, the only, the brilliant,
the shiny, the great-hair-doo-ed one, the cool spectacled one,
-=>>>>> ACE RIMMER <<<<=-
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
"To confuse means:
to make somebody unable to think clearly.
Then how come China's greatest philosopher
is called Confucius?"
Herbert Ackermans.
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